sinop - a beautiful city / 17 septembrie 2011

The city of Sinop in Turkey has tremendous natural resources, most of them related to its favorable geographical position on the Black Sea. To these, a long and interesting history is added. People seem to live a peaceful life here, and to enjoy being happy.

This collective mental well-being is the background against which the political discourse functions in this city. Using the positive tone of conversation which is embraced naturally by most of the population, the local administration cancels out serious problems such as the building of a nuclear power plant in the very near future, a development that would devastate the natural environment particular to the city, and it would also prevent it from becoming a regional attraction.

By ignoring the negative consequences of certain developments for the local community and covering them up with an endless quantity of words that are totally or partially unrelated, the administration creates a schizoid situation. The 'happy' discourse is completely divorced from current practical problems, pointing to the fact that decisions are taken by the administration alone, after having fooled civil society with the use of nice words.

[The two photos from the anti-nuclear protest were taken by Architect Eugen Panescu]

Orasul Sinop din Turcia are resurse naturale deosebite, majoritatea legate de pozitia sa geografica favorabila pe litoralul Marii Negre. La acestea se adauga o istorie indelungata si prestigioasa. Oamenii par sa duca o viata buna.

Aceasta bunastare colectiva la nivel mental este fundalul pe care functioneaza discursul politic din acest oras. Folosindu-se de tonul pozitiv al conversatiei care este folosit in mod firesc de catre cetateni, administratia locala anuleaza problemele serioase cu care se confrunta comunitatea locala. Printre acestea se numara si apropiata constructie a unei centrale nucleare in zona ce va duce la devastarea mediului natural. Sinopul nu va mai putea deveni o atractie regionala, asa cum isi doreste in prezent.

Ignorand consecintele negative ale dezvoltarii impuse de sus si acopedindu-le cu o nesfarsita cantitate de cuvinte care sunt lipsite total sau aproape total de legatura cu problemele reale, administratia creaza o situatie schizoida. Discursul 'fericit' este complet divortat de problemele practice, aratand in mod evident faptul ca deciziile sunt luate de administratie, dupa ce au pacalit societatea civila cu ajutorul vorbelor frumoase.

[Cele doua fotografii de la protestul anti-nuclear au fost facute de arhitectul Eugen Panescu]